What are Wrap-Around Services?

With the help of local community organizations, we recognize the importance of assisting job seekers in getting and maintaining a job while working within the environmental field. We are committed to providing the necessary resources to promote social mobility, workforce development, and environmental justice in the Capital Region.

Meeting a community’s needs is always a work in progress, which is why we want to hear from you about what kind of services you need. Our Clean Energy Hub is dedicated to providing for our community in the most meaningful way possible, eliminating barriers to employment that further inequity, and ensuring a sustainable future for the Capital Region. Our team is working on conducting research and compiling data on barriers to employment in the region, especially among priority populations. Please take a moment to fill out our survey and give us your feedback on how we can better serve you and your community.

Wrap-Around Services we are advocating to provide

Services (may) include: 

  • Assistance in locating proper trainings, and education opportunities in the environmental field that are within your proximity

  • Smooth transition into employment for low-income community members 

  • Childcare 

  • Transportation

  • Prioritizing those with criminal records and displacement

  • Financial security and literacy,

  • Accessibility and accommodations for all (abilities, sexualities, genders, ages, native languages, nationalities, etc.)