Workforce development is a process of identifying barriers and expanding access to employment opportunities through training, higher education, outreach, wrap-around services, and generally uplifting demographics that are traditionally excluded from these industries.

In the Capital Region Clean Energy Hub, we aim to connect community members, especially from priority populations, with meaningful opportunities in the region, expanding our clean energy workforce and furthering economic development within these communities.

Prioritizing students and underserved communities

The Climate Act - Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA)

Under The Climate Act, New York State requires climate protection efforts to be distributed equitably because the effects of climate change disproportionately harm disadvantaged communities. Under The Climate Act, cities will invest resources to ensure that at least 35% of the benefits of spending, with a goal of 40%, are directed to disadvantaged communities. For this reason, we are putting a big emphasis on prioritizing marginalized and underemployed populations. 

Environmental racism and injustice in the Capital Region

The Capital Region faces significant disparities in wealth between demographics, causing a large disparity between environmental health risks within these communities as well. Communities from marginalized socioeconomic backgrounds are the most likely to be negatively impacted by climate change, and typically the last to gain access to clean energy services. This is a huge issue that the Capital Region Clean Energy Hub is actively working on mitigating through our workforce development programs. 

Economic benefits

Increasing and prioritizing access to both clean energy services and job opportunities will help put more resources into communities that have been historically marginalized.

Why a clean energy workforce is beneficial

Climate change 

Here in NY, we aim to lead the fight against climate change through our growing Clean Energy Projects state-wide. To meet the goals laid out in The Climate Act, we need to expand the workforce within the clean energy industry across the state. Increasing access to employment in fields like solar energy, weatherization, and other wrap-around services will enhance our capacity for climate protection.

New and growing industry

New York State is embarking on a transition to an inclusive clean energy powered economy by 2024. All residents, businesses and communities across the State will have access to new opportunities to benefit from this transition including clean energy careers, home improvements, even rebates for businesses and personal transportation. This creates thousands of job opportunities in the Clean Energy Field.